Hello and welcome to the OPHS Gifted Education department! We are excited to work with the OPHS community this year as we support our students' endeavors in fulfilling their dreams.
What does our department do?
We have three main responsibilities here at Osbourn Park High School. Firstly, we manage the identification process on a building-level by gathering various pieces of information such as referrals, permission forms, parent and teacher reports, testing, and gathering other data that are used in the identification process. More detailed information regarding identification can be found in the "Identification Process" portion of this site.
Secondly, we provide gifted education services to students who have been identified as gifted. These services take on many forms ranging from 9th - 12th grade seminars, potential field trips, sharing a variety of opportunities/information, and holding interest meetings for unique academic opportunities that are offered throughout the year.
Thirdly, we provide resources and training to staff at OPHS as it relates to identifying gifted learners and providing enrichment and extensions to gifted learners in a traditional classroom.
How does Gifted Education Seminar (SIGNET) work at OPHS?
9th and 10th Grade - Typically, 9th and 10th gifted students at OPHS are grouped into cohorts and are scheduled into clustered PE classes. From there we pull students once or twice a month totaling 18 hours for the school year. During this time, we conduct seminar sessions in the gifted classroom. The topics we cover in seminars are broad and deep, alternating between activities that focus on the Humanities (English & History) and Science/Math. For various reasons we have some students who do not have a scheduled PE class. These students receive weekly gifted passes which they can use to attend the gifted seminar. This provides flexibility in which students can reference their schedule and ideally pick a time that works best for them.
11th and 12th Grade - Traditionally since most 11th/12th graders do not take PE, students received their gifted ed. services through the classroom. This year we will again be offering students the chance to sign up and attend a gifted seminar class during flex periods. Students interested in attending Seminars for 11th or 12th grade should keep an eye out for the sign ups in their Gifted Canvas course.
Please feel free to reach out with any questions or feedback.
Mario Moreno Julie Rimkus
[email protected] [email protected]