Differentiated Service Plan (DSP) Conferences
During the first few weeks of the school year, we meet in small groups with each student who is receiving gifted ed services and work with them to complete their Differentiated Service Plan (DSPs). The DSP consists of two parts. The first part focuses on goal setting in which students set 10 year, 5 year, and 2-3 year goals with career and academic interests in mind. Additionally, information is provided regarding outcomes as it relates to the five C's (Creative Thinking, Critical Thinking, Conceptual Thinking, Collaboration, and Communication.
The second part of the DSP has students mapping out their academic schedule during their time at OPHS. They work closely with a counselor and the gifted resource teachers to identify which classes they need base on their specialty program (if applicable) and their goals. This is a great way for students to not only plan for graduation but also delineate a path to success after their time at OPHS.